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Company Profile

Company Profile

Corporate philosophy

Corporate Philosophy

We deliver energy and health to your daily dining table with products made with love.

Now that traditional Japanese food is attracting attention from all over the world as a healthy food, "genuine taste" is being reconsidered. No unnatural colors or scents. Since its founding, Marukin Foods has believed that food that does not add excess fat is the "genuine taste".
Japanese food is the origin of food culture. Even as the times change and the world seeks new tastes, Marukin Foods' philosophy remains unwavering. Our wish is to create food that nurtures the mind and body. As long as food is for people, Marukin Foods will continue to be a “loving partner of taste”.
And we hope that "lovely taste" will be the source of your healthy body and healthy smile.


Greetings from the representative

Representative Greetings

"Eating" and "body building".I'm sending energy from both sides.

There is a phrase in English, "You are what you eat". It translates to “you are what you eat”. Literally, food is a very important element that builds the body and leads to energy and health. Even as lifestyles change, food styles and needs change, our mission to deliver vitality and health to the dining table as a loving partner of taste remains unchanged. We are currently promoting development based on new ideas, such as the method of providing products and the development of products that match lifestyles. In addition, we would like to focus on efforts to disseminate Japan's wonderful food culture not only in Kumamoto and Japan, but also continue to take on the challenge of expanding overseas by making full use of our network.

President and CEO Kira Fusako

Please see the video in which our representative was interviewed by Cow Television.


Corporate logo mark and sense of corporate mission

Corporate Logo Mark・Sense Of Corporate Mission

health and gastronomy. Japanese food that responds to the eternal theme that everyone desires is now attracting attention from all over the world. The corporate logo consists of an upward-sloping “M” representing development and leap forward, a heart-shaped “K” representing love and passion, red representing the sun that nurtures nature, and freshness, which is important for food. Formulated to be green. Together with this mark, which represents Marukin's vitality, we will start a new first step as a "loving taste partner" and work to create a rich society through food.

Loved taste creates culture

"A loving partner of taste" This simple corporate mission statement contains all of Marukin's commitment to product development. Our goal is to provide healthy, delicious, familiar ingredients to the table prepared with deep affection by our customers, who pray for their health and happiness in their homes. We believe that we must fulfill our responsibility as a "partner" who plays the role of delivering better products, in other words, a "loving taste partner", for the "creation of loving taste" that our customers carry out in their daily lives. It's our mission.


Company Profile

Company Profile

Representative's name

Representative Director, President and CEO Fusako Yoshiyoshi

Business content

Manufacture and sale of food (natto, tofu, konnyaku, tokoroten, soybean flour, dumpling flour, Nankan-age)


50 million yen



Factory / Base

main office

380 Seian-cho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 860-0823 Phone096-325-3232(representative)

Kashima Logistics Center

227-1 Kaminakama, Kashima-cho, Kamimashiki-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture 861-3107 Telephone096-237-3232(representative)

Fukuoka Branch

〒813-0034 2-4-4 Tanotsu, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka City Telephone092-621-5519(representative)

Hiroshima Sales Office

2-1-18 Ochiai, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima City 739-1731 Telephone082-843-5505

Matsubase Factory

3436 Koboyama, Matsubashicho, Uki City, Kumamoto Prefecture 869-0512 Telephone0964-32-3232

Aso Factory

312-3 Toriko, Nishihara-mura, Aso-gun, Kumamoto 861-2401 Telephone096-279-1414

Uto Factory

356-4 Matsubara-cho, Uto City, Kumamoto Prefecture 869-0407 Telephone0964-23-1311(representative)

Aso Innovation Factory

〒869-1222 3308-1 Iwasaka, Otsu-machi, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture Telephone096-282-8313



Related Company

Head Office 〒860-0823 380 Seian-cho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City Telephone096-325-3232

Factory 〒869-0407 356-4 Matsubara-cho, Uto-shi, Kumamoto Phone0964-23-1311(representative)

Marukin Shoji Co., Ltd.

380 Seian-cho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 860-0823 Phone096-325-3232

380 Seian-cho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 860-0823 Phone096-325-3400


Corporate history

Corporate History















[1998] [1999]

【the year of 2000】




【Year 2005】




【year 2012】










Founded: Founded Kira Flour Mill in Honjo-cho, Kumamoto City

Established Kumamoto Koshoku Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Renamed Marukin Honpo Co., Ltd.
Expanded factories in Yakuen-cho and Honjo-cho, Kumamoto City

Established Marukin Food Industry Co., Ltd.

Closed the Ulsan-cho factory and the Honjo-cho factory, and moved the head office and factory to Sean-cho.
Merged Marukin Honpo Co., Ltd.

Established Marukin Kamaboko Co., Ltd.

Established Chuo Shokuhin Co., Ltd. Opened Fukuoka branch

Completion of head office building

Kyushu soybean food cooperative association established, Hiroshima sales office opened

Established Uto Factory

Established Honden Kuyoumon Co., Ltd. Moved Fukuoka branch to new building

Established Matsubase Factory
From Marukin Foods Industry Co., Ltd. to Marukin Foods Co., Ltd.
Introduction of VI (Visual Identity)

Started tofu production at the Yakuen factory, received the Silver Award for Excellent New Product from the Kumamoto Prefecture Association for the Promotion of Products (genki tofu domestically produced mini)

Opened Kashima Logistics Center

Received the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award (Best Award) at the 4th National Natto Appraisal for Genki Natto Cup with Perilla Sauce

At the 5th National Natto Appraisal, our Genki natto Kyushu main preparation won an award for excellence.
Absorption of business to Chuo Foods and Marukin Foods

Uto Factory and Yakuen Factory receive organic JAS factory certification.

Received the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award (Best Award) for Genki Natto with Kombu Sauce at the 8th National Natto Appraisal

Genki Natto Wasabi won the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award (Best Award) at the 9th National Natto Appraisal

Established Aso factory
Aso factory receives organic JAS factory certification

At the 12th National Natto Appraisal, Genki Natto Dashi Natto won an award for excellence

At the 13th National Natto Appraisal, our Genki natto Kyushu main preparation won an award for excellence

At the 15th National Natto Appraisal, Genki Natto with Kombu Sauce wins an award for excellence.

At the 17th National Natto Appraisal, the Genki Natto Cup with Perilla Sauce won a special prize.

Opened Kinki Representative Office, relocated Hiroshima Sales Office

100th anniversary of foundation

Local support activities during the Kumamoto earthquake

Overcame the Kumamoto earthquake (2016) and completed the new head office building

At the 5th National Tofu Competition Kyushu/Okinawa Regional Competition, Genki Tofu Nameraka Silk won the Canadian Soybean Award.

Genki natto served with domestic soy wasabi and Genki natto served with kombu sauce won a special prize at the 25th National Natto Appraisal.

Established B-GENKI Co., Ltd.

Received the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award at the "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Promotion Merit Award"

Received an award in the workplace creation category of the Gender Equality Promotion Business Award

Certified as a 2021 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization

"Halal certification" Uto factory and Matsubase factory

"Kumamoto Prefecture SDGs registration system" 1st term registration

Factory acquired in Otsu Town (Aso Innovation Factory)

"FSSC22000ver5.1" certification (Aso factory)

"FSSC22000ver5.1" certification (Uto Factory)

At the 26th National Natto Appraisal, Genki Natto Domestic Dashi Natto Wins an Excellence Award


I love you


Genki is the power to move the mind and body. Genki is the power that everyone wants.

Cheerful people give "energy" to the person they talk to. When the number of energetic people increases, the whole place becomes "energetic". In this way, "energy" is connected and eventually becomes one big "power".

By creating the source of that "power" and having our customers eat it, we create a small "energy" within them.

As a loving partner of taste, we want to provide our customers with energy.

I put such feelings in "I love energy".


I love you


Genki is the power to move the mind and body. Genki is the power that everyone wants.

Cheerful people give "energy" to the person they talk to. When the number of energetic people increases, the whole place becomes "energetic". In this way, "energy" is connected and eventually becomes one big "power".

By creating the source of that "power" and having our customers eat it, we create a small "energy" within them.

As a loving partner of taste, we want to provide our customers with energy.

I put such feelings in "I love energy".


  1. 従業員とその家族の満足度が高い

  2. 地域の雇用を大切にしている

  3. 地域社会・地域経済への貢献度が高い

  4. 安定した経営を行っている


I love you


Genki is the power to move the mind and body. Genki is the power that everyone wants.

Cheerful people give "energy" to the person they talk to. When the number of energetic people increases, the whole place becomes "energetic". In this way, "energy" is connected and eventually becomes one big "power".

By creating the source of that "power" and having our customers eat it, we create a small "energy" within them.

As a loving partner of taste, we want to provide our customers with energy.

I put such feelings in "I love energy".



  1. 私は、健康を願って作っている自社製品をこよなく愛し、積極的に食し、自らが「元気の手本」となります。

  2. 私は、食事と運動を取り入れた生活の大切さを広め、健康を目指す人を応援して行きます。

  3. 私は、従業員が楽しく仕事ができる環境を整え、幸福度を高められるよう、「働き甲斐改革」を進めます。

  4. 私は、熊本の企業とパートナーシップを深めるため、よかボスが参加するイベントを通じて交流を深め、熊本の活性化を図ります。

  5. 私は、従業員の「家庭生活と仕事」の両立と充実を応援します。




I love you


Genki is the power to move the mind and body. Genki is the power that everyone wants.

Cheerful people give "energy" to the person they talk to. When the number of energetic people increases, the whole place becomes "energetic". In this way, "energy" is connected and eventually becomes one big "power".

By creating the source of that "power" and having our customers eat it, we create a small "energy" within them.

As a loving partner of taste, we want to provide our customers with energy.

I put such feelings in "I love energy".

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