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​C S R

Corporate Social Responsibility

Food safety policy

Food Safety Policy

1. We aim to earn the trust and satisfaction of our customers by continuing to provide safe, secure, and high-quality products and services.

2. We will comply with relevant laws and regulations in business activities, compliance, and customer food safety requirements.

3. Build a food safety management system (stabilize quality based on product standards, quality control based on scientific and theoretical grounds, prevent contamination by bacteria and focus on making delicious products), and always serve customers and customers. We will maintain smooth communication with business partners, industry groups, administrative agencies and all employees.

4. We will make all employees aware of our food safety policy and improve their food safety awareness and skills.

5. We will conduct regular management reviews, confirm and review the effectiveness of our policies, rules and procedures in compliance with laws and regulations, and implement them continuously and appropriately.


Food safety policy

Marukin Group Anti-Harassment Declaration

  1. 当グループでは、人権、人格、個性、個人の多種多様な価値観を尊重します。

  2. 当グループでは、差別的言動、暴力行為、セクシュアルハラスメントやパワーハラスメントなどの個人の尊厳を損なう、あらゆるハラスメントを許しません。 

  3. 当グループでは経営理念に基づいて、規程を制定し、社員全体のコンプライアンスの意識を高めるようにしています。もし役員及び社員がコンプライアンスに反する行為を行った場合、 迅速に対応し、問題解決を図ります。

1. We aim to earn the trust and satisfaction of our customers by continuing to provide safe, secure, and high-quality products and services.

2. We will comply with relevant laws and regulations in business activities, compliance, and customer food safety requirements.

3. Build a food safety management system (stabilize quality based on product standards, quality control based on scientific and theoretical grounds, prevent contamination by bacteria and focus on making delicious products), and always serve customers and customers. We will maintain smooth communication with business partners, industry groups, administrative agencies and all employees.

4. We will make all employees aware of our food safety policy and improve their food safety awareness and skills.

5. We will conduct regular management reviews, confirm and review the effectiveness of our policies, rules and procedures in compliance with laws and regulations, and implement them continuously and appropriately.


About the Marukin Group General Employer Action Plan

About Marukin Group General Business Owner Action Plan

In order to enable employees to balance work and child-rearing, and to enable all employees to fully demonstrate their abilities, we have formulated the following action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children and the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. Formulate.

General Employer Action Plan

1. Planning period

3 years from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2027

2. Content

​Goal 1

To make it easier for employees to return to work after returning from childcare leave, provide more information and support to employees on leave.


From April 2021 Start of consideration

From April 2021: Sending company newsletters, conducting regular interviews with employees who have taken childcare leave using online tools, etc., and holding childcare round-table discussions.

​Goal 2

Raise the childcare leave acquisition rate to the following levels or higher within the planned period.

Male employees・・・more than 20%

Female employees・・・Maintain 100% acquisition rate


From April 2021 In order to make it known that men can also take childcare leave, we will conduct training for managers, and if we know the target employees, we will inform them of the system. Conducting seminars for those who wish to take childcare leave (providing information on impressions and advice from past employees)

Status of taking childcare leave

Based on the above, we will create an environment that is easier for employees to work in, and carry out activities such as factory tours, cooking classes, and provision of food-related information as part of our community contribution activities.


Initiatives for SDGs

Initiatives for SDGs

What are SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)?

The SDGs are the successors to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) formulated in 2001, and are the goals from 2016 to 2030 described in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. international target by 2020. Based on the idea of "Leave no one behind", we aim to realize a better international community by tackling global issues such as the worsening environment and poverty. We also fully agree with this idea.

SDGs Declaration 2030 <Management Policy and Vision for Achieving SDGs>

Under our corporate philosophy of being a “partner with love for taste,” we aim to contribute to the health of people around the world and create a sustainable society by building friendly relationships with our stakeholders and solving social issues through food.

August 25, 2021 Registered in the first phase of the Kumamoto Prefecture SDGs registration system.

▶ Click here for Kumamoto Prefecture SDGs registered business operators (Phase 1)

By promoting concrete efforts to achieve the SDGs, we will promote the spread of the SDGs and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society that takes advantage of the characteristics of Kumamoto and regional revitalization driven by the SDGs. We aim to be a company that actively contributes to society.

In August 2020, Marukin Foods made the "Kumamoto Prefecture Women's Social Participation Acceleration Declaration".

Efforts to reduce food loss

Efforts to reduce food loss

Children's/Local cafeteria

We provide natto, tofu, konnyaku, etc. to children's and local cafeterias in the neighborhood of Kumamoto City, which have no problem with quality but cannot be shipped to the market due to poor printing or molding. From small children to elderly people living in the area, it is greatly appreciated by a wide range of generations. Employees of Marukin Foods also participate in volunteer activities such as cooking preparation.

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Children's Dining Room②_edited.jpg

food bank

As an initiative to reduce food loss, we provide products to organizations that engage in food bank activities. Room temperature konjac

The main dishes are deep-fried tofu, dumpling flour, tofu, and natto. Through Food Bank Kumamoto, it is distributed to facilities, groups, and individuals in Kumamoto Prefecture.

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Food bank②_edited.jpg

Shokuiku Efforts

Efforts for food education

We have formed a team of in-house registered dietitians to create recipes using our products, hold cooking classes, and conduct food education activities for local elementary schools. In response to a request from a school, we are holding a workshop where you can have fun learning about the nutritional value of soybeans, from the ingredients to the finished product, with quizzes. Among them, the handmade tofu experience is very popular.

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Food education②_edited.jpg

Initiatives for local production for local consumption

Efforts for local production for local consumption

We have commercialized tofu using soybeans from Kashima Town, Kumamoto Prefecture and konnyaku using konjac potatoes from Yamato Town, Kumamoto Prefecture, and are working on local production for local consumption. Employees of Marukin Foods come to support the planting and harvesting of konjac potatoes.

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Local production for local consumption②_edited.jpg
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