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Marukin Foods is a natto maker that boasts the most awards (12 times) at the National Natto Appraisal.

Awarded for Excellence this time!

At the 26th National Natto Appraisal, domestically produced dashi natto won the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister's Secretariat Award!


- Award for Excellence in Large/Medium Grain Category -

A total of 12 awards!

Most awarded Natto company

On November 9, 2022, at the 26th National Natto Appraisal, Marukin Shokuhin's natto won the award for the 12th time, the highest number ever!

In order to continue to deliver delicious natto to everyone, we will strive to improve our natto-making techniques and aim for further quality improvement!

Thank you for your continued support!


What is the National Natto Appraisal?

About National Natto Appraisal

The Natto Kanpyokai is a review committee held by the National Federation of Natto Cooperative Associations aimed at improving the manufacturing technology and quality of natto. It is held every year as a contest to determine the best natto, a comprehensive nutritional food that Japan boasts to the world. Judges evaluated three items of natto: appearance, aroma, taste and texture. Each exhibiting natto is scored on a scale of 5, and the best natto is awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award.

* In the item of "appearance (appearance)", "proliferation of Bacillus natto on the surface of soybeans" and "stringiness" are evaluated.

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